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About MyCaert

A New Tool for CTE Teachers
MYcaert provides teachers with an integrated online system to Plan, Document, Deliver, and Assess Career & Technical Education instruction. It not only allows access to a complete selection of instructional components, but also serves as a classroom organizational and management tool. Whether used separately or as a complete system, our four instructional components provide teachers with an easy-to-use set of tools. Your time is valuable. MYcaert allows you to minimize all of the extra “stuff” teachers are faced with, and maximize quality classroom instruction!

Materials Never Go Out of Date!
All of the materials in MYcaert are updated on a regular basis. In addition to updates, we are continually expanding the number and types of materials in the system. As long as your subscription is in effect, you have access to any materials that are updated and to new materials we add to those topical areas your subscription covers.

How MYcaert Works
The foundation of the MYcaert system is over 1,000 ready-to-use lesson plans and PowerPoint Presentations organized by topic into multiple Libraries. The lessons are designed for the teacher and enable you to Plan instruction by organizing them into course outlines. The lessons and outlines provide you with a basis for teaching your courses. They can be used on their own or in conjunction with our components.

MYcaert allows you to search for lessons plans using a variety of methods. Because each lesson plan is aligned to academic standards, you can search by standard area (Science, Math, etc.). You can also search by topic or by vocabulary terms. Regardless of which search method is used, you always have access to reports that Document the academic standards that are being addressed by the lessons in your course outlines.

Click Here to View a Sample Course Outline

Based on the search parameters, the course outlines generate a list of the relevant lesson plans and accompanying student content units (E-units), and online test questions. The E-units are the means for Delivering textbook content students require to understand the lesson plan concepts. The online test questions allow you to Assess student understanding of the concepts and standards addressed in the lesson plans and E-units that make up a course outline. Each of these components can be used on its own or as an integrated system.

Click Here to View Available Agriculture Lesson Libraries and Sample Lessons, PPT's, E-units and ?'s
Click Here to View Available CTE Lesson Libraries and Sample Lessons, PPT's, E-Units and ?'s

Access to MYcaert is available on a subscription basis. Once we receive your school purchase order, we set up your profile and email you your user name and password. This allows you to log into MYcaert and begin accessing materials, setting up your course outlines, and adding in your student rosters. Once you have entered in your students, they access everything online from home or school. As long as your subscription remains in effect, you and your students have access to all current and new materials in those areas your subscription covers.

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