Lesson HGD:E1-3
Prepare Age-Appropriate, Economical, and Nutritious Snacks and Meals
CD HGD.  Human Growth & Development
Unit E.  Aiding and Encouraging Life Skills
Problem Area 1.  Nutrition and Health Needs
Lesson 3.  Prepare Age-Appropriate, Economical, and Nutritious Snacks and Meals

3. What is NOT important when planning for snacks?

a. avoid buying unnecessary ingredients

b. buy food items in bulk when available

c. make a list of food items needed

d. plan to spend whatever is necessary

Answer: d

4. Which would MOST likely be a factor in planning a snack or meal for a preschool child?

a. chronic diseases

b. decreased appetite

c. decreased sense of taste

d. snack choice variety

Answer: d

1. What are comprehensively broad and versatile food items?

a. basic food groups

b. nutritional elements

c. pyramid layers

d. universal ingredients

Answer: d

2. Which would MOST likely be a common factor in planning a snack or meal for both adults and preschool children?

a. balanced food choices to meet daily nutrition requirements

b. explanation of how the snack is prepared

c. decreased sense of taste or loss of teeth

d. explanation of kitchen safety and sanitation

Answer: a