Lesson ALSA:H1-1
Community Ecology
CD ALSA.  Advanced Life Science- Animal
Unit H.  Ecology
Problem Area 1.  Ecology and Agriculture
Lesson 1.  Community Ecology

Which of the following descriptions is true of ecosystems?


  1. Contain biotic and abiotic factors
  2. All contain an energy flow within it
  3. They contain producers, consumers, and decomposers
  4. All of the above are true of ecosystems
  5. None of the above are true of ecosystems
Answer: d

Which of the following describes an organism that produces its own food?


  1. Heterotrophs
  2. Autotrophs
  3. Decomposers
  4. Tertiary consumers
Answer: b

Which of the following is organized in the appropriate trophic level order from primary producer to tertiary consumer?


  1. Deer>coyote>hawk>grass
  2. Hawk>grass>coyote>deer
  3. Grass>deer>coyote>hawk
  4. Coyote>hawk>grass>deer
Answer: c

Which of the following best describes carrying capacity?


  1. The population that could be maintained if intensive management by humans was provided
  2. The smallest population that could be created by limiting all resources
  3. The maximum population that the environment can naturally support without causing damage to the ecosystem
  4. The population that would be supported if all limiting factors were eliminated
Answer: c

The deer herd in a wooded area has increased significantly in the past several years, but has leveled off during the past two years.  Which of the following factors could create a decline in the deer population?


  1. Disease spread by the over-population
  2. Lack of reproductive rates due to less available food from the overcrowding
  3. The increased population of coyotes
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above
Answer: d