Lesson MP:F1-1
Career Opportunities in Manufacturing
CD MP.  Manufacturing and Production
Unit F.  Career Awareness
Problem Area 1.  Career Exploration Site Visits
Lesson 1.  Career Opportunities in Manufacturing

1. What is the title given to a person who operates conventional and computer numerically controlled machine production tools, dies, jigs, gauges, and special guiding and holding devices?

a. chemical equipment controller

b. materials inspector

c. metal fabricator

d. tool and die maker

Answer: d

2. What is the title given to a person who monitors the quality standard for all manufactured products from food to electronics?

a. CNC programmer

b. materials inspector

c. metal fabricator

d. tool and die maker

Answer: b

3. What is the title given to a person who controls automatic machining tools with the use of programs?

a. CNC programmer

b. materials inspector

c. metal fabricator

d. tool and die maker

Answer: a

4. What is the title given to a person who operates equipment to adjust and control chemical changes or reactions for consumer or industrial products?

a. chemical equipment controller

b. CNC programmer

c. metal fabricator

d. tool and die maker

Answer: a