Lesson HGD:E1-2
Plan Age-Appropriate, Economical, and Nutritious Snacks and Meals
CD HGD.  Human Growth & Development
Unit E.  Aiding and Encouraging Life Skills
Problem Area 1.  Nutrition and Health Needs
Lesson 2.  Plan Age-Appropriate, Economical, and Nutritious Snacks and Meals

1. Children of preschool age should eat ___________ meals a day.

a. five to six large

b. five or six small

c. one to three large

d. one to three small

Answer: b

2. What are some characteristics of special diet considerations for older adults?

a. hard, low in sodium, high in cholesterol, high in fiber

b. hard, high in sodium, high in cholesterol, low in fiber

c. soft, high in sodium, low in cholesterol, low in fiber

d. soft, low in sodium, low in cholesterol, high in fiber

Answer: d

3. Which is a recommended guideline for adult meals?

a. Choose healthy saturated fats.

b. Choose nutrient-dense foods.

c. Choose refined grain carbohydrates.

d. Select items with low potassium.

Answer: b

4. Which of the following is a true statement when planning nutritious snacks and meals?

a. It is important to include only one food group per snack.

b. Involve children in the preparation of the snack or meal.

c. Foods that are low in vitamins, minerals, and fiber should be used.

d. The Food Guide Pyramid should be used for meals, not snacks.

Answer: b