Lesson DD:F1-2
History of the Design Process
CD DD.  Drafting & Design
Unit F.  Design Process
Problem Area 1.  Overview of the Design Process
Lesson 2.  History of the Design Process

1. What is human innovation in action that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities; it is a practical application of knowledge?

a. invention

b. modernization

c. revolution
d. technology



Answer: d

2. In which age did a cultural rebirth occur and Galileo, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci lived?

a. Industrial Age

b. Information Age

c. Middle Ages

d. Renaissance

Answer: d

3. Which age was a transitional movement in Europe during which inventions occurred at a rapid pace?

a. Industrial Age

b. Information Age

c. Middle Ages

d. Renaissance

Answer: a

4. What are written, legal documents that grant the holder the exclusive privilege to make, use, or sell an invention?

a. copyrights

b. inventions

c. patents

d. trademarks

Answer: c

5. What protects the expression of ideas in literary, artistic, and musical works?

a. copyrights

b. inventions

c. patents

d. trademarks

Answer: a