Lesson HST:D2-1
Examine Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities
CD HST.  Health Science Technology
Unit D.  Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
Problem Area 2.  Examining Legal Practices
Lesson 1.  Examine Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities

1. What is the best example of a patient’s right?

a. The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.

b. The patient has the right to make reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of the hospital, other patients, and staff.

c. The patient has the right to provide a copy of any advance directive.

d. The patient has the right to provide information about past illnesses, procedures, hospitalizations, and medications.

Answer: a

2. What a person receiving medical care can expect in relation to

the quality of and consent for care is called ___________.

a. patient’s duties

b. patient’s prerogative

c. patient’s responsibilities

d. patient’s rights

Answer: d

3. Which act developed the Resident’s Bill of Rights for long-term care facilities?

a. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

b. Civil Rights Act of 1964

c. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987

d. Patient’s Rights Act of 1991

Answer: c